(Fuck A) Silver Lining (AKA I Need Motivation)

I haven’t blogged in 5 days. Sorry. But hey I am here. (Or am I?)

I haven’t had much motivation to do well. . . .anything. Also I had a concert.

Panic at the Disco Concert

Wednesday February 6th, I went with my cousin Paige and my two friends Bailey and Precious to see PANIC AT THE DISCO in Memphis, Tennessee. We had Olive Garden and then left around 3:30pm to get on the road. We got to Memphis around 5:30pm to a rather shady hotel that definitely was NOT in a good part of town. As Precious said later that night “I can feel it in my ankles.” After we got to the hotel, we got changed, charged our dead phones and then headed on our way.

It took us about 30 minutes to find where we were supposed to park. Then we finally were inside. The two opening acts (Betty Who and Two Feet) were good. Even if I had never heard them before that night.

Then Panic at the Disco came on. Brendan Urie started with “(Fuck A) Silver Lining” from the new album, Pray for the Wicked. Precious was right about that.




I saw Justin Timberlake in January and while JT was amazing, don’t get me wrong, he was, Brendan Urie blew him out of the park. Seriously. The energy was incredible. I’ve been to a few concerts and Panic! was definitely the best one.

The video is of “This Is Gospel” which is one of my favorite songs.

It was amazing. Really. And being with the girls was something I really needed. I didn’t really know how much I needed it until that night. I was in a great mood the next just by getting out and being with people. I need to work on getting out more.

I had to leave of course but Panic at the Disco was seriously amazing. The second to last song he played was “I Write Sins Not Tragedies” and it was great.

Brendan mentioned that he’d been singing in Panic for 15 years. I have been listening to Panic for 15 years. I have grown. And so have they. It’s incredible.


I have had no motivation to do class work. It’s not that I don’t care. I do. Hell I want to graduate. But I am not motivated. At all.

Today I woke up at 9:30am and since then have been working on homework. I am finally caught up. I forced myself to do homework and do it well (or at least semi well) because I am not going to fuck up my GPA. I guess I just need to get through my little funk is all.

Or try at least. I got this. (I think. I hope. I pray.)

Another video! Enjoy! And sorry for the bad quality. My phone is terrible.


Why Am I Watching Videos of Soap Being Cut?

So all day today I’ve been watching videos of people cutting soap. Why? Well for some strange reason it’s soothing and kind of like slows down my brain. All day I’ve been sort of cranky but for some damn reason watching videos of soap being cut and listening to the soothing noise helped me relax.

I wonder it it’d help me sleep…

Short post but I am in pain so hard to concentrate.


I’d Rather Be Busy Than Bored

What does that title mean? Well it means that. I don’t like being bored. If I’m sitting at work or at home twiddling my thumbs I have to do something.

Of course that isn’t all the time. There are times where I am quite sloth-ish.


That was me yesterday. Blanket and all. Well, minus the weird eye blinking….Not the point. I laid in bed after my meeting with the Writer’s Network and played Everwing on my phone.

Back on track. (Is it possible to ramble while writing?)

Perhaps that title needs to be changed. Not stressed. That’s not the right word. We need more clarity and concision.  (See there? I’m using my skills from Editing for Style and Usage class.)

Busy. I’d rather be busy than bored.

It seems I got wish, people. I am drowning. In a good way.

This is me right now:


What do I have to do? Shall I list them?

  1. Write two stories (1 a meeting, 1 an event OR 2 meetings) for Beginning Reporting – due sometime at the end of April
  2. Write up interview I did for Alice 107.7 – due April 27th
  3. Major project for Intro to Professional Writing; write up interview and maybe make a Google slides presentation – due April 20th
  4. Group project for Editing for Style and Usage – due April 30th
  5. Design logo for the Writers Network (WN) – due this Sunday (gave myself that deadline)

Non-school things I need to do

  1. Clean room for inspection TOMORROW (I hate these things. Why are they necessary? UGH.)
  2. Work on story some more, check out the book list I have and get more books, etc

Think that’s it for personal things. I mean I’d put “work out” but we all know that’s not realistic. I’ve got all the gracefulness of a newborn fawn. And if you know me, you know that is true.

So yes, I am busy but I am loving it. Am I little stressed about these projects? Yes. But they will get done (hopefully not the day before…I am working on my procrastination, really, I am).

Oh, and I’m the president of the Writers Network!! I go this. *insert determined face*
